SFPIM is governed by a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee.
SFPIM Board of directors has established three specialized advisory committees: an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee and a Strategy Committee.
Meet the members of our Board of Directors and the committees they serve on.
Board of Directors
The composition of SFPIM’s Board of Directors is moreover set so as to bring together a sufficient number of complementary and varied profiles in terms of age, gender, academic background, professional experience and language balance.
The Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors (pdf) sets out in greater detail the composition, responsibilities, obligations and operating rules of said Board.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company (Article 3bis, § 16 of the 1962 Act). The notion of day-to-day management of the company was defined by the Board of Directors in a decision of 9 March 2021 published in the Annexes to the Moniteur Belge [Belgian Official Gazette] of 7 May 2021, under numbers 0055139 and 0055140.
The Executive Committee reports regularly to the Board of Directors on the performance of its duties.
The Executive Committee’s rules of procedure (pdf) set out in greater detail its composition, responsibilities, obligations and operating rules.
Green Investment Committee
The Green Investment Committee was set up in accordance with Article 3bis, § 17 of the 1962 Act and Article 2 of the Royal Decree of 15 January 2023 entrusting the Federal Holding and Investment Company with a mission within the meaning of Article 2, § 3 of the Act of 2 April 1962.
The Green Investment Committee consists of seven members, appointed by the Board of Directors from among its ranks, including the Managing Director.
Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee has been set up in accordance with Article 3bis, §15 of the 1962 Act.
The Strategy Committee consists of four members: the Chairman, two Vice Chairmen and the Managing Director. The Strategy Committee is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee has been set up in accordance with Article 3bis, §17 of the 1962 Act.
The Audit Committee consists of four members, at least one of whom is an independent director, appointed by the Board of Directors from among its ranks on the basis of their competence and experience in financial matters. The Audit Committee is chaired by an independent director.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee has been set up in accordance with Article 3bis, §17 of the 1962 Act.
The Remuneration Committee consists of four members, appointed by the Board of Directors from among its ranks, two of whom are independent directors.
Governance Charter.
The Board of Directors reviews and adapts the Corporate Governance Charter according to the needs and evolution of the company’s activities.
The Board of Directors has adopted a Corporate Governance Charter, which includes rules of procedure for the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the specialized advisory committees. It was amended on September 29, 2020 and for the last time on March 9, 2021. It is available on SFPIM website.
The Board of Directors reviews and adapts the Corporate Governance Charter according to the needs and evolution of the company’s activities, while respecting the legal, regulatory and statutory provisions applicable to SFPIM, as well as the special rules and conditions laid down in the management contract between the Belgian State and SFPIM.
Ethical & deontological code.
SFPIM is a socially responsible company.
The Ethical and Deontological Code reflects the fundamental ethical and deontological principles that guide SFPIM’s actions and govern its governance, and sets out the rules of behavior that each individual must respect in the context of his or her role at SFPIM.

Our CSR approach.
Ambition in terms of
social responsibility.
The company considers that taking into account societal and governance issues makes an important contribution to economic progress. SFPIM’s desire to integrate social concerns into its activities is reflected in its investment and investment management activities, as well as in its own organization.